Friday, August 5, 2011

Awaiting CAL's report on runway mishap- My column for 2 August 2011

There is usually a smattering of applause when a Caribbean Airlines (CAL) flight touches a runway anywhere in the world. BW 523's runway mishap in Guyana will now increase the volume on CAL's flights, part gratitude part relief. Aviation incidents are usually related to human or mechanical issues or physical conditions: sometimes all three. This one will be figured out and ascribed a cause or series of causes. Even before that we learn a few things. CAL is not infallible and has a first major accident. Much can happen even after an aircraft safely touches down, so when you do applaud, stay buckled-in and keep in mind the job is not finished. We also know that Guyana is a lucrative market for CAL and not all airports are created equal. CAL needs some assurances in Guyana. It has to take stock of consistency in passenger and aircraft safety and emergency response. The initial sounds out of Guyana point to matters for concern and that is where the Prime Minister and Guyana's President will take the lead.

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