Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thank God we have Governor Ewart Williams.

On mornings like this I find comfort in knowing that Trinidad and Tobago has an outstanding Governor of the Central Bank. I have said many time that Governor Williams is independent and brave. He writes constantly, posts his speeches and his views on the Central Bank's website and is a picture of calm and reassurance.

Click the link and read his statements on his strategy to help Mr. Duprey wipe more than sweat off his face.

Duprey says "we made a mistake". Satyam's Chairman Raju said "I sincerely apologize". Click and read his full statement.Sounds familiar?

At least we know what's going on with CLICO....finally....what about the others.....are you seeing the strange gains on the share price? $4.20 in one week...I smell a buyer.Do you remember when the BOMB had a column by the the 1980's he was writing week after week about interlocking directorships....of the Calder Hart and Duprey type ... ..the Governor now uses a different word...its called "contagion".
In my Newsday column in mid 2008 I wrote about the coming job losses in the financial services sector because they were all running a pyramid....and still we cannot get to their personal assets.These people sport our national awards and have their names on our business schools. They are held up as icons and praised for their vision. Not a single journalist wrote about CLICO's downgrading in August and not a single paper today carries more than a cut and paste of the speeches. No analysis, no independent view. Where were the journalists in all of this?