Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Challenge Parents Face- My column 14 June 2011

Life is about reward, recognition and penalty and parents have no need to deviate from that. Children feel entitled to the best things in life without the effort. We reward good and bad equally and encourage fleeting mediocrity and a whole lot of crap which one day ends piled on some other schoolchild in a drain. Do our children know what we expect from them? Will we tell them, demand it and reward or penalise? Or are we more interested in being popular in our homes and in their lives?

Even if parents are tough, too many parents are inconsistent. We remember school when the school report comes along; make an evening of noise and move on to the next thing. Children are quick to take advantage of our distraction, when we take our eyes off the gauge. Children sense disagreements and then take advantage of the good cop, bad cop routine.

Parents have to work in tandem, plotting the responses, scripting the stories and enforcing the expectations. If parents are to help children make good decisions they have to be experts on what is happening in their children's lives. Before that they have to be in charge of their own lives.

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