Sunday, June 26, 2011

Good governance: Fixing State Corporations- My column 11 October 2010

The only question is which of the State entities and their boards will, 24 months from today, be the headline acts for all the wrong reasons. Since UDeCOTT and the Uff Commission nothing has assured the public that the familiar path of shady dealings will not be trodden.It is a waste of sensible people's time to debate the suitability of choices for boards and related State appointments. Competence, qualification, experience and ethnicity have not been decisive factors in predicting whether boards will be diligent or will land in trouble. UDeCOTT itself demonstrates that these are largely irrelevant: bad behaviour is not that selective.

There are theories on gender and the lower likelihood of women being corrupt. Patrick Manning did a better job at promoting women than any other leader but, in 2010, "chairman" is still given literal meaning. The seat at the top of the table is masculine, until further notice.

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