Thursday, June 23, 2011

Going after the corrupt:Civil War?- My column 21st June 2011

The Integrity Commission has become a bystander, a fact unsurprising in light of some body-blows the Commission has suffered: a dress-down by the Court in the Rowley matter; resignation of the Commissioners ex-post facto; and the short-lived replacement of those Commissioners, a prelude to the most amazing meltdown of a Commission of any sort. More recent events have added to the blight that appears to have settled upon a much vaunted body, which in better times might be the ones pursuing the former State board members the AG is attempting to rattle with civil suits. More importantly, a working Integrity Commission may save the next party in power the expense of pursuing current persons-of-power.

A better Corporation Sole will also save some money. The redesign of the State-enterprise model is left in limbo, in the backward movement to search for corruption and the forward movement to court. But more attention has to be directed towards cleaning the stables and bolting the doors, as an alternative to chasing the horses. That quaint office of the Corporation Sole is central in many of the love-hate issues between the public and its State enterprises.

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