Friday, June 17, 2011

In Jack Warner's World- My column 7th June 2011

Different strokes for different folks. That is one way to explain Jack Warner's continued stay in Cabinet. But it is not that simple: Warner has many irons in the UNC fire and the party treads carefully. The big troubles are however higher up the pecking order and FIFA, like global governments and organisations, is now beset by intolerance for the leader-for-life mentality and what goes with it.


Pouncing upon every issue is a noisy, no-nonsense internet crowd, resistant to these attitudes of entitlement and this crowd can shake FIFA down. In the midst of this, it is troubling that the AG has fashioned his own rule of law in answer to the Warner/FIFA issue and others. In any event, with all these irons in the UNC fire, do you really expect the AG and the PM to say that Warner should step aside?

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